Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I feel...

I don't feel like anything today.
I feel like a worthless, piece of shit.
I'm confused, angry, disgusted, and sick of myself
Apparently, I'm a repellent. Repulsive. Gross

Who would want to deal with me? I'm mean, selfish, scared, and closed off
I can't be sexy...don't know how
Damn sure ain't pretty. Beautiful. Pfft
I'm nothing.

I don't feel like a woman.
I'm suppose to be this vibrant, beautiful, sexual creature.

and I can't even get that shit right apparently.

My dating life has been non-existent...and that's because...there is something wrong with me.

I can fool myself into thinking that I'm picky or that I have high standards, but I know deep down...

There has to be something wrong with me that no one wants to take a chance with me.

None...at all.

I just want someone to say I'm beautiful, I'm gorgeous, just something. I don't even get that.
Someone to listen to me...just shut up and listen.
You can hear me, but are you listening to me?

But I get nothing.

Because at the end of the day, I am nothing.

I have nothing to offer anyone.

My self-esteem and self-worth is shot to hell...

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