Sunday, November 22, 2009

Speed dating recap numero dos....

Well last night was a night to remember.

When I first got there, I started chatting with some of the ladies that were already there.

I met a photographer while waiting for our dates and we bonded over our EXTREME dislike of the hippies that populate Williamsburg(I hate that neighborhood, its the place for the soy milk, granola eating, plaid shirt wearing, skinny jeans wearing, emo punks, gross). We also pondered when were men going to start wearing big boy pants, it was refreshing to meet someone who feels the same way I do.

Now onto the dates: I'm going to give a rundown on the ones I remember.

There was the bald white guy who I thought was gay. We had a pretty cool conversation, but I gave him a hell no rating.

Then it was the guy from India that I had a pretty cool conversation with. Also gave him a hell no rating, well not only he was SHORT but there was no sparks.

Next up is the guy from New York who moved to Savannah, GA. We bonded over how much slower everything is in the South. We also chatted about Europe, my fear of heights, among other things. Now his "fuck me eyes" could have gotten it, but he was short and with a oldies but goodies haircut. Hopefully he'll find a short woman in GA to make him happy.

Then there was the Asian guy who looked like he belonged in the mob. We chatted about sports and such, but he wouldn't look me in the eyes.

Then there was this midget Asian fucker who everyone thought was high or on something. He *said* he was a doctor, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was pocketing prescription pills. This fool goes on to tell me that I would be perfect for his friend, because well, we're both black.

Uh what?

I couldn't wait for that date to be over. I wanted to slap him in the eyes.

Then there was this poor man who looks like he lives with his momma who loves to read(maybe I should have given him Q's email address, *snickers*)

Then there was the flamboyant black guy I swore was gay or bi, because he looked like he shits glitter. Nonetheless, we had a really good conversation about our school systems.

Next up was the ONLY guy I would consider going out on date with. Don't ask me what we talked about because I was too busy drooling over his salt and pepper hair and goatee, his height, his mature sexiness, his lips, and how big his hands were. Only few things I remembered was ex-millitary, counselor, and blues.

I'm shallow what can I say?

The last man was the one I wanted to punch in the face. Lord how I was able to keep a straight face without rolling my eyes will forever be a mystery. Now only did this Pee Wee Herman lookalike LEERED at me the entire night, but he works at my OLD COMPANY. You know I had to lie my ass off about my office location(my old company has about 900 agents). I just felt uncomfortable with him, I thought he wanted to have sexy times with my hat...because he kept looking at it alllllll fucking night.

So there you have it, all my dates.

I had fun, not sure if I would do it again but with me you can never say never.
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